Friday August 30 Pentecost 14
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Psalm 22
This psalm is one of the most dramatic expressions of extreme fear, moving into trust in God. God acted in the past, but is doing so no longer. Jesus quotes from this psalm while he is on the cross, (“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). It is appropriately read on Fridays, mini-anniversaries of the day Jesus was crucified.
Many elements in this psalm may have influenced the early Christians’ understanding of Jesus: the taunt that Jesus should save himself and since he didn’t he can’t be God, Jesus being God’s in Mary’s womb, Jesus’ thirst on the cross, his garments divided and dice cast for them, his hands and feet pierced, and packs of dogs which likely gathered at crucifixions. The second half of the psalm proclaims God’s faithfulness.
Job 9.1-15, 32-35 What’s Job about?
Job replies to Bildad that God is so powerful nobody can resist God, so it is not possible for Job to challenge God’s injustice to him because how can you argue against God who is utterly powerful? If God would stop threatening Job with overwhelming power, then Job could insist that he is innocent and doesn’t deserve this suffering. He could then call God to account and to fairness. But there is no neutral third person, no umpire to listen to both sides, so God holds all the cards and terrifies Job so Job cannot require God to explain why God is mistreating him.
John 7.37-52 What’s John about?
At the end of the festival, Jesus extends the image of his being food, and offers himself as drink. Then there is a brief return to the topic of people not knowing where Jesus comes from, a favourite theme of John’s—not about geographical uncertainty but about people not being aware of God who is Jesus’ source. The religious leaders pressure dissenters who have begun to take Jesus seriously.
Again, we may be hearing conversations going on at the time John was writing, and which continue today as world leaders reject those who take seriously Jesus’ call to inclusion and justice for all.
This week’s collect:
Almighty God,
we are taught by your word
that all our doings without love are worth nothing.
Send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts
that most excellent gift of love,
the true bond of peace and of all virtue;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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