Readings for Friday December 27

Friday December 27          Christmas

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Psalm 148
These three psalms are especially appropriate on Sundays, the mini-anniversary of the resurrection. All creation praises God—the heavens, the earth—including fog, sea monsters, and “creeping things” (perhaps even insects or worms)—and humanity—rulers, young people and old people—all things without exception praise God together. Notice that the sequence is taken from the first creation story in Genesis: first light, then the heavens, then creatures of the water, then creatures of the land, and finally people.

Psalm 149
Songs of joy at God’s victory. The joy of military victories toward the end of the psalm was their way of saying that God has ended all injustice.

Psalm 150
A scene of riotous joy as every conceivable instrument and every creature praises God.

Isaiah 25: 1-9                            What’s Isaiah about?
God will overturn the oppressors, care for the needy, and provide an immense feast in Jerusalem for the whole world—even violent death will be no more.

Luke 2: 41-52                            What’s Luke about?
At twelve years old, Jesus remains in the temple, like Samuel, and astonishes the senior religious leaders with his wisdom. Having declared he has a calling beyond his parents’ understanding, he returns home obediently, foreshadowing his later obedience to the gift that God will make through his suffering and death. Are there parallels in our lives in which we may know wisdom beyond others, or in which we wait quietly for the right time to come?

This week’s collect:

O God our Father,
whose Word has come among us
in the Holy Child of Bethlehem,
may the light of faith
illumine our hearts
and shine in our words and deeds;
through him who is Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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