Readings for Sunday December 22

Sunday December 22          Advent 4

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Psalm 80
After rescuing us from slavery in Egypt, God had planted us in new ground like a well-watered vine, and we grew and filled the whole land. But now we are being attacked by a foreign power and God’s vine is being uprooted. God, rescue us so that we may be a healthy vine again.

Isaiah 29: 13-24                            What’s Isaiah about?
The people respond to God only superficially. So God will do something amazing—God will remove all who exploit the powerless and the nation will have joy, and those who oppress will learn how they should live.

Luke 1: 39-56                           What’s Luke about?
Like Samuel’s mother, Mary sings a song of praise to God who cares for the powerless and brings to nothing those who had oppressed them. In their culture for a woman not to have children was a shame and disgrace—her pregnancy, and that of her elderly relative, bring both women into full stature as mature members of their community. In what ways is God bringing maturity to birth in our lives?

This week’s collect:

Heavenly Father,
who chose the Virgin Mary, full of grace,
to be the mother of our Lord and Saviour,
now fill us with your grace,
that we in all things may embrace your will
and with her rejoice in your salvation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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