Sunday June 9 Pentecost 3
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Ecclesiastes 6.1-12 What’s Ecclesiastes about?
Being rich is pointless, you die anyway. Nobody knows what is going to happen in the future after death.
Luke 12.32-40 What’s Luke about?
Jesus calls for greater responsibility than superficial religious practice. A frequent religious assumption is that we are pure and must guard against contamination from outside—we are to eat only pure things. But Jesus reverses this and calls people to deeper responsibility—it’s not what goes into our mouths that contaminates, but what comes out of our mouths! Religious practices are there to enable our deepening loyalty to God’s love and justice, and not a way of avoiding them.
This week’s collect:
O God,
you have assured the human family of eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Deliver us from the death of sin
and raise us to new life in him,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.