Friday February 28 Epiphany 7
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Psalm 140
A cry to God for help against enemies who are strong and trust that God will help the poor and needy.
Psalm 142
A cry to God to help when there is no hope. If God acts to save me, I will then be able to praise God again.
These two psalms are appropriate for Fridays, a mini-anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion.
Ruth 3: 1-18 What’s Ruth about?
In order that she can have future security (a very real concern for a widow with no sons) Naomi arranges a meeting, with intimate implications, between Ruth and her relative Boaz who may be legally obligated to have children by Ruth. “Uncovering his feet” was a euphemism for a more intimate uncovering. Ruth’s intimate offer is accepted by Boaz but this is not simply a sexual encounter, but implies a legal commitment which Boaz is consciously undertaking by accepting the intimacy. He then fills Ruth’s cloak with seed—likely a highly symbolic image of commitment, and a symbol of his acceptance of his legal obligation to have children by her.
Matthew 5: 38-48 What’s Matthew about?
In Roman military law, it was legal for a Roman soldier to require a civilian to carry his military equipment for one mile—miles had been marked on main roads by the Roman army. However, to prevent abuse and possible revolt, soldiers were strictly forbidden from forcing a civilian to carry their equipment more than the marked mile. Jesus says that if a Roman soldier forces you to carry his equipment one mile, you should insist on carrying it a second mile—which could get the soldier in trouble! So the soldier would then have to wrestle with you to get his equipment back to prevent you from helping him! Jesus is being funny and and ingenious at the same time by showing how the oppressed can peacefully turn the tables on the oppressors. The cheek-striking example is similar—when a soldier insults you by striking you on the face, which he would do with his right hand, you turn your head slightly and offer the other cheek, but to hit you again would now require a convoluted and awkward motion by the soldier! Similarly with offering your cloak. Soldiers were authorized to confiscate a cloak if they needed one, but to offer your shirt—which was really your underwear- meant that you would hand your dirty underwear to the soldier and insist that he wear that too as you stand naked and argue with him! You put the soldier in the position of insisting to a naked man that you take your underwear back!
Jesus’ message here is not about passivity or generosity but about how oppressed people can claim their dignity back. He is showing how the kingdom can be claimed peacefully in a time of severe oppression. Jesus’ admonition to “Be perfect” is an unfortunate translation—it means “Be whole”—as in “Be fully mature.” Disciples of Jesus are to have mature respect for themselves (thus the clever turning of tables on bullies), and to have respect and care for others far beyond social norms.
This week’s collect:
Almighty God,
your Son revealed in signs and miracles
the wonder of your saving love.
Renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our weakness
sustain us by your mighty power;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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