Readings for Sunday February 9

Sunday February 9          Epiphany 5

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Psalm 93
A psalm of praise to God who is forever and who makes the world secure. “The waters lifted up their voice” means that although the raging sea (the original chaos) is threatening to drown everything, God’s voice is stronger. Appropriate for a Sunday when we celebrate God’s victory in the resurrection of Christ.

The raging sea can be circumstances in our lives, in our inner life, or in the life of the world and we rejoice in the victory of God’s goodness over all the rages of our times.

Psalm 96
Praise to God who really will bring equity (equality) and righteousness (which really means ‘dignity’ and ‘justice’) to the whole of humanity. Every part of the world rejoices at God’s car

Isaiah 57: 14-21                            What’s Isaiah about?
The consequences of oppressive living come ultimately from God, but God will accept the people back unless they insist on continuing their oppression. In the renewed Jerusalem life must be based on the God of justice.

John 7: 37-46                            What’s John about?
On Sundays we are back in John’s highly symbolic gospel. Jesus says he is refreshing water for everyone and John notes that Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit which will be given at his resurrection. Arguments continue about whether he is genuine, because of his unlikely origin—in John’s gospel there is a theme that people reject Jesus because they won’t trust that he is from God, and this is presented as disagreements about his place of origin. But even the temple police say they have never heard anything as persuasive.
We experience God’s refreshing new life through Jesus regardless of our uncertainties.

This week’s collect:

Merciful Lord,
grant to your faithful people pardon and peace,
that we may be cleansed from all our sins
and serve you with a quiet mind;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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