Readings for Tuesday December 17

Tuesday December 17          Advent 3

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Psalm 45
A poem about King David, using the imagery of an ancient oriental king, describing his personal and public magnificence and the glory of his relationship with the queen. Note that his prime duty is to serve truth and justice.

We can read this poem as a description of our own fulfilled self and relationships which have been made possible for us in union with Christ’s resurrection.

Isaiah 9: 1-7                           What’s Isaiah about?
Isaiah writes that God is determined to restore the people of Israel to the greatness for which God had rescued them from slavery in Egypt and that a descendant of King David will rule them with complete justice. Early Christians interpreted this passage as a prediction of Jesus’ birth.

Luke 22: 54-69                            What’s Luke about?
Peter totally rejects Jesus, and Jesus is abused by soldiers and condemned by the leaders. It is for this act of love that he was born.
This concludes our readings from Jesus’ arrest and betrayal, which will culminate in fulfilling the purpose of his incarnation in his death and resurrection to heal the entire cosmos. The gospel readings until Christmas will now recount the stories of his birth.

This week’s collect:

God of power and mercy,
you call us once again
to celebrate the coming of your Son.
Remove those things which hinder love of you,
that when he comes,
he may find us waiting in awe and wonder
for him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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