Friday November 22 Pentecost 26
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Psalm 102
A lament at the destruction of Jerusalem 600 years before Jesus. It ends with hope of God’s faithfulness. The imagery of desolation is appropriate for Fridays, the mini-anniversary of Jesus being betrayed, abandoned, and in hours will be dead. Yet God will remain faithful.
Malachi 3.1-12 What’s Malachi about?
God promises to send prosperity when the priests again do their work faithfully and the poor are truly included and cared for.
Luke 18.1-8 What’s Luke about?
Jesus says if we begin to worry that the kingdom won’t come, then think of a corrupt judge who hears a case without being bribed because the homeless person keeps asking. So if we ask, God will certainly act.
This week’s collect:
Almighty God,
you sent your Son Jesus Christ
to be the light of the world.
Free us from all that darkens and ensnares us,
and bring us to eternal light and joy;
through the power of him
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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