Thursday July 18 Pentecost 8
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Psalm 37 Part 1
It’s tempting to want to be as successful as evil people, but seeking God’s justice will fulfill us, and God will defeat evil completely.
Joshua 3.14-4.7 What’s Joshua about?
As soon as the feet of the priests carrying the ark touch the edge of the Jordan, the water piles up upstream and the river stops flowing, even though it is in flood. The same miracle as happened at the Red Sea is being repeated. Twelve stones are taken from the middle of the now dry river and are set up on the far bank which is the edge of the land God promised.
Matthew 26.1-16 What’s Matthew about?
Matthew has concluded the stories of the great crisis at the end of time, and now recounts the great crisis of Jesus’ death in the present. An unknown woman pours out all her love for Jesus in the form of expensive perfume, symbolically preparing his body for death. None of the men understand, or are prepared to recognize what is about to happen, and they complain about the financial implications of the waste of the perfume. Jesus’ comment that “the poor you have always with you” has been misinterpreted to mean we can look after the poor some other time, whereas Jesus meant the opposite—”if you are so concerned about wasting money, then do something useful with it—give it to the poor who are all around you.” Judas sells his inside knowledge of Jesus’ movements to the religious authorities.
This week’s collect:
Almighty God,
you have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless
until they find their rest in you.
May we find peace in your service,
and in the world to come, see you face to face;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.