Readings for Monday December 30

Monday December 30          Christmas 1

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Psalm 20
We delight that God upholds us with strength far greater than military technology.

Psalm 21
Joy at how with great power God has blessed the king and removed the threats against him. This psalm would originally have been sung to the king, as God’s blessed one, but it is equally applicable to us and can be read with ourselves as the subject of the psalm.

These psalms are often used on Saturdays to suggest the power God is about to use to raise Jesus and us from death.

Isaiah 60.19-22                            What’s Isaiah about?
Isaiah imagines what it will be like when God returns the people to their land—their glory, from God, will be so great that other sources of light—the sun and moon— will no longer be needed! Even the least important person will be as significant as an entire nation!

John 7: 53—8: 11                            What’s John about?
Religious leaders dare Jesus to forgive a woman who is clearly guilty. With enormous courage, Jesus refuses to join in the condemnation of the woman, and instead challenges the men to confront their own responsibility for her shame. Alone with the woman (a very suggestive situation in that day) Jesus sends her back into life. We are being called to practice deep acceptance and also acknowledge our participation in excluding people from living full lives.

This week’s collect:

Almighty God,
you have shed upon us the new light
of your incarnate Word.
May this light, enkindled in our hearts,
shine forth in our lives;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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