Friday September 20 Pentecost 17
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Psalm 73
I almost joined the proud and evil people, who get away with anything. But I continue to suffer in spite of being faithful to God. I could not understand this, until in your temple I realised that you are in charge in the end.
Esther 1.1-4, 10-19 What’s Esther about?
The book of Esther, written about three hundred years before Jesus, is a fictional story that was set in the ancient oppressive Persian empire in a time already in their ancient past, about how the Jewish people were once unexpectedly saved by a woman and subsequently given empire-wide respect. This story was told to provide encouragement during their time of oppression under Greece and Rome when the story was written.
As the story opens the emperor has been insulted at his queen’s refusal to obey him. The officials all agree that such behaviour by wives to their husbands must be stopped and that the emperor must appoint a new queen. As the story continues, this will be Esther, a Jew.
The detailed lists of the names of the various officials and the legal procedures are probably imaginary, as is the entire story, but the inclusion of these details in what was then a very ancient story are there to give it credibility.
John 12.36b-43 What’s John about?
John presents Jesus as explaining that those who do not trust him do so because fundamentally they decide to be blind to the truth which is available to all people because the are afraid of criticism.
Our trust in Jesus is not based on having good arguments but on whether it rings true that death and resurrection are the character of God who willingly goes through death out of love for the cosmos. God’s character of self-offering love can be seen in Jesus by those who are open to seeing it.
This week’s collect:
Almighty God,
you call your Church to witness
that in Christ we are reconciled to you.
Help us so to proclaim the good news of your love,
that all who hear it may turn to you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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