Readings for Monday October 17

Monday October 17          Pentecost 19

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Psalm 25
I desperately need God’s support both from those who attack me, and from actions that are my own fault, and I know God is always generous to those in such a situation.

Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 4.20-5.7                            What’s Ecclesiasticus about?
Good advice.

Luke 9.51-62                            What’s Luke about?
Jesus makes the decision to walk to Jerusalem where he will be executed. On his way he and his disciples are rejected by a Samaritan town who believe that Jerusalem represents a degraded form of Judaism. The disciples want to use violence from God in response, but Jesus refuses that way—he insists on the kingdom of justice, even towards enemies of their faith. As they walk they encounter a series of people who declare they want to follow Jesus, but Jesus challenges each of them. These are illustrations of how his own disciples say they want to follow him, but as their response to the Samaritan town illustrates, they are not yet ready to follow Jesus in making the sacrifices required for the kingdom to arrive.

This week’s collect:

Almighty and everliving God,
increase in us your gift of faith,
that forsaking what lies behind
and reaching out to what is before,
we may run the way of your commandments
and win the crown of everlasting joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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