Tuesday April 26 Easter 2
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Psalm 10
A plea to God to act to help the poor and a complaint that God is not acting. Trust that God will act.
Psalm 11
People tell me to run away, but I trust in God and I am sure that God will act to save me.
Exodus 15.1-21 What’s Exodus about?
This song of victory celebrates God’s rescue of the people in a similar way as do many of the psalms. Written much later as a celebratory hymn for Passover and in celebration of God’s removing the people who were already living in the land, and of establishing Jerusalem, it was attributed to Moses and inserted into the narrative here. Note that Miriam, Aaron’s sister, is a prophet and leader in the celebration—inclusion of women as leaders would have been a radical understanding of God’s inclusive intention for all people.
John 14.18-31 What’s John about?
John understands that Jesus prepared his disciples for the question of how we can live the full life of disciples when Jesus is no longer present in bodily form and when the faith is under pressure from a hostile world. The question is very relevant in our time. The answer lies in following Jesus’ lead, by offering ourselves in overflowing generous love which is the fundamental quality of Jesus and of God. Acting in that way is the proof that Jesus is with us. Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to protect and lead us, and we need have no fear of the evil powers of this world.
This week’s collect:
Eternal Giver of life and light,
the strength of those who believe
and the hope of those who doubt,
may we, who have not seen, have faith
and receive the fullness of Christ’s blessing,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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