Saturday September 11 Pentecost 15
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Psalm 55
I am terrified at what is happening. The city is full of corruption and my dear familiar friend has betrayed me. I will not cease imploring God to intervene and put things right.
Appropriate for a Saturday, when Jesus, betrayed by friends, waits in silence in the grave.
1 Kings 18: 41—19:8 What’s Kings about?
Elijah predicts torrential rain, proving that he acts for the true God. But Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, whose prophets Elijah killed, swears she will kill Elijah by the next day. Elijah flees into the desert where he is mysteriously fed, and walks an immense distance to the mountain where the Ten Commandments had been given.
In contrast to King Ahab and his wife, Elijah is returning to the source of justice (Sinai and the Ten Commandments) and even at the threat of death is refusing to bow to the oppression and injustice of the royal family.
When we see people with that courage today we are deeply impressed.
Matthew 3: 13-17 What’s Matthew about?
John the Baptist has led the people across the Jordan into the promised land as Joshua did long ago. The people are ready for God to throw off the Romans. Then God acts: Jesus enters the promised land—the God of justice has acted and is in charge and God’s heavenly voice confirms this.
This week’s collect:
Stir up, O Lord,
the wills of your faithful people,
that richly bearing the fruit of good works,
we may by you be richly rewarded;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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